Coaching engineers to become leaders and managers is what I do best!

Engineering Your Path to Management
I am a Performance Engineering Coach and I help engineers with under 15 years of working experience who want to be managers and leaders.
Let's Play the Game
Like any RPG game, we go on this adventure to build the character, and strength skills just to level up to accomplish the ultimate mission.
With this Level Up program we will go into the 7 Quests and build your personal Quest to be the Manager in your organisation.
Do you feel stuck in the endless journey of never becoming leader? Join my program and you will be on your own quest and we will turn it into your personal adventure into being a manager or leader.
Turn your challenge into your personal quest into becoming a manager or leader.


Hi, I'm Justin Gerard
I believe we are all put on this earth for a reason and the reason may vary from person to person. However, the core of the reason will always be focused on giving to others or on serving something bigger than oneself.
In life I’m always intrigued on how things work, from how the earth moves to a simple question: “How does a turtle know to go into the sea once it hatch”, and “how and why people do the things they do?”
I pursued my interest to figure out how the industrial world works by studying engineering and completing my Masters in Engineering.
The Game-Changing Program You Need To

Do you feel stuck in the endless journey of never becoming leader?
Are you struggling with an Endless Loop?
- Struggling to prove yourself at work but can’t seem to get the recognition you deserve?
- Are you struggling to get the confidence to ask for a raise but always fall short?
- Are you stuck in the same job and feel like you are in a matrix?
It’s hard to believe that loops of code can build a video game. It’s hard to believe that our thoughts, behavior, and our lives could be build through loops.

Start writing your own code here and LEVEL UP to that leadership and management role you’ve been eyeing on!
Are you making these mistakeS?
People who are struggling to make the jump to be a leader or management frequently make these mistakes
- They avoid the pain of learning something new and stick to what they know best.
- They seek and expect comfort and security in their new role and thus never build the courage to take the risk and make mistakes.
- They don’t have a clear path/map to follow.
- They don’t have the right mindset, principles, and tools.
These mistakes often cause a domino effect of negative behavior such as struggling with self-doubt, procrastination and low self esteem and eventually giving up on their goals.
The only way to overcome this is to LEVEL UP!
To break the loop you need to Grow out of it. These skills are often overlooked and anyone can develop them with the right guidance and support. It’s not easy and it takes commitment and consistent action.
This is where I come in to help you build these skills that anyone can develop by enrolling in my LEVEL UP Program.

Who is this for?
Who is this NOT for?
Program Quests Throughout the journey of the LEVEL UP program, you will experience the 7 Quests

Identify your driving force

Rewrite the stories that hold you back
Strength Quest
Identify Strength and exploit it
What do you stand for?
Creating an empowering vision
Engineering Hack to Management
Engineering Hack to Leadership
SECRET LEVEL Move forward with the secret step towards management after completing the 7 quests
This is the “CHEAT CODE” you’ve been looking for!
While there are no shortcuts to success, I believe being coached is the “cheat code” and fast track to success.
The world’s top performers, athletes, and entrepreneurs all have coaches.
That’s not a coincidence.
When you work with a Coach/Mentor, you get access to their guidance, knowledge, and expertise, instead of spending valuable time figuring it out yourself and conducting trial-and-error experiments.
This saves you a lot’s time, energy, money, and PAIN!
I have helped many clients make significant improvements and progress in their life.
Since 2010, I have been obsessed with mastering different areas of my life (finance, emotion, communication, relationship, career, business, spirituality, health, and the mind) and I have the desire to make these areas of life the way I want them to be. This obsession led me to study personal development, peak performance, physiology, NLP, and business. I’ve acquired multiple coaching accreditations and coaching hours, and I’ve been coached by exceptional coaches and mentors myself.